Thursday, July 4, 2013

English course

Course Requirements

  1. ES5002 students are required to purchase a copy of the course text "Research Writing: A Workbook for Graduate Students" by Lee, W.Y; Ho, L. and Ng, E.T.M. (Pearson). The book will be available in the NUS CO-OP in July 2013.

  2. ES5002 students are expected to write selected portions of thesis chapters (from Introduction and Results & Discussion chapters) for assessment. It should be noted that most ES5002 students are in the 4th year of their PhD candidature.

    Note: If you are not ready to write portions of your thesis chapters, it is recommended that you take the module in a later semester.

    Note: If you are not ready to write your thesis but have to take the module earlier in your candidature for special reasons, you may register and also  write to the course coordinator [Dr Lee Ming Cherk, email address:] to explain why you cannot take the course in subsequent semesters and provide relevant documents for verification.

    Note: If you are on a four year PhD program, you may register and also write to the course coordinator [Dr Lee Ming Cherk, email address:] to explain why you cannot take the course in subsequent semesters and provide relevant documents for verification.

  3. Each student MUST bring along his/her own notebook/laptop or borrow one for tutorials when they are writing their drafts. There will be none on loan from CELC.

  4. For the assignment on “Results”:

  • You should use “new” data (must be available by 3 October 2013) which means that
    • you have not written any paper or draft based on the data,
    • you have not submitted a draft (that discusses the data) to your supervisor,
    • you have not submitted a draft with those results to a journal or conference, and the data have not been published.
    • If you are in your last semester of your candidature and do not have new data that have not been published, you can use published data but you are expected to have new input such as more comments, evaluation and/or explanation. You must not cut and paste portions from research papers that reported the data.